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Ausie ViSA Approved!!

My Parents and my family should have visited my sister in BrisbaneMelbourne if it was not because of the COVID. I still remember, the news about COVID were all over the world, but in Malaysia, nothing has been decided yet and the flight day was just near the corner. We were worried as well if we were to still continue visiting Brisbane, we might infected or we would probably just spending our days in quarantine when we reached there. But to cancel the flight, it would be a loss too. Memang lah duit boleh cari, kau orang cari duit dah bertahun cukup dah jumlah kalau nak ke Ausie? Acakap senang. HAHAHAHA

Long story short, once Australia announced that they were closing their borders, then AirAsia cancelled our flight accordingly. Unfortunately that applied to thousands of passengers and the refund suddenly became voucher and whether we like it or not, we need to spend it. To put salt in the wound, the voucher only covers the base fare. The heck. So eventhough, we have had our holiday to South Korea, the voucher still has 3K plus value.

So till now my dad has been meratib days and nights, weeks and months wanted to go to Brisbane to visit my sister. So last month we decided to start applying for the Visa via their app and the one granted after the first submission via the app were my dad, Xiyad and Fiya. The rest of us need to submit more supporting documents via their immigration website.

So I managed to submit the documents on 17th for Cembam and I and we have got the Visa granted on 20th!! Yeayyy!! So next step is menabung lah and eyeing for any nice deal of AirAsia ticket and also need to check when is the best season that falls on school holidays here. Hopefully my sister's family and my Mom would get their visa granted as well. 

Ahh..wanna share here for memory.

Last Tuesday, while everyone were doing their things, suddenly Cembam shrieked and showed me a message that she received in her phone. RM32 was charged to her credit card for Minecraft Game purchase. We were shocked and quickly we asked Xiyad as at that time he was using Cembam's phone and playing with it. The other phones (well, their phones) were not accessible to them coz I would only let them play with them during the weekend. But yeah, Cembam never listen when I asked her to change her phone password, so usually their last resort is playing with it. 

Xiyad hurriedly went upstairs and was not dare to come downstairs. We went out to buy our dinner and he did not come along. At that time, if I just being me, he would have got few slaps. But somehow, I just went out, being silent about it. Fiya said she saw Xiyad took the card out of Cembam's wallet to make the purchase. So, I bebel2 to Cembam for the passcode never changed and uninstall the game from her phone.

Cembam was "dah bayar delete pulak ayah awak...bazir la plak ayah awak" And I just replied, "Kau macam tak biasa membazir". Full stop. No follow up arguments from both of us. Hahaha. At the dining table, I just scolded Xiyad lightly calling him pencuri. I advised both of Fiya and Xiyad that the act is considered stealing. The worst part of this is that Xiyad doesn't have the comprehension to compensate the actions that he did. He did not try to apologize at all. I know he learnt his lesson, but I was hoping that at the age of 12, he could at least said "sorry, I wont do it again" like how I did when I was his age telling my mom "tobat mak tak buat lagii" and Mom just keep hitting me replying wih "tobat tobat..berapa kali tobat dah ko" hahahaha. 

And this evening, Fiya handed her handphone asking me to unlock it and I saw Xiyad fetching his phone to get it unlocked as well. And I just bluntly said NO and he was saying something softly like "tak main yang tu" or something and I just said "whatt?? ayah tak sepak muka ko hari tu dah cukup baik dah". I'm planning to not letting him use the phone till next month and will forbid Fiya to let him use hers. 

I don't know, its the least I could do though.

Haihhh....tu je lah malam ni coretan. Gonna hit the bed now. 


Silviu said…
Your blog is a constant source of learning and personal development for me.
Goodman said…
Keep up the great work, your post was fantastic.

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