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Alamak...terF*** plak dia~~

Thanks to my housemate, I managed to have my first sahur with a couple of 60cents chocolate bread. I was just lazing on the couch, drinking water and heard my housemate was about to leave the house looking for something to eat. The 7-eleven shop is just a walking distance from my house, but having someone to buy it for you is way nicer~~ Thanks bro!!

I would be riding to work for the whole fasting month except for some special occasion. I was driving most of the days because I have to bring my tennis gear everyday so I could play anytime that we want. That's why Wardina was so lonely at home for the past weeks.

I was reaching a junction where I spotted a white Viva trying to cross the road. I slowed down my bike just in case she wanted to do a quick cross. But the Viva didn't move, so I accelerated back and that was when the Viva moved. Aiyaa..I had to push the break and skid a bit. The Viva just stopped in the middle of the road. She was hesitating to take the chance and ended up blocking my way. Haish~~ fortunately, I'm always prepare for this kind of situation.

But~~~~ I rode pass her and shown her my F*** you signal with my middle finger. Yaaa~~~ I know. How could I. Well,  I might be the one skidding and fall from my bike one day. So, it's just a fair token of 'appreciation' of what she did and maybe that would make her more alert in the future. Haishh~~ There goes my first ramadhan.


Jard The Great said…
waaaaaaaaa.. tht gal cud have been me
Nazz@Purple said…
selamat berpuasa.belajar dr kesilapn ek..

kurang dh pahala...

❀aRaBeLLa❀ said…
ko memang..kalo drive ayat F*** tu ade je kuar dlm mulut ko..heh
hohoho maybe that gal concern takut terlanggar abg motor yg comel itu dia mcm nak lalu ke tak..ehehhe saba..saba...
huhuhui.esok ko jgn buat dah
zella y said…
bln puase ni...
jgn wat camtu...

pas raya bole continue hahahahha
KTS said…
ok... pencatit sebelah kiri, sila tolak 10 markah dia...


hati2 di jln raya bang :D
Syah Shah said…
memang kekadang angin sket orang hesitate cemitu... nak kuar, silakan, tak kalu, sila jangan buat drama berenti tengah jalan...

tapi kan, walau cemana pun, tak patut la naik middle finger... A simple, long and loud honking would be enough I suppose... Hohohhohohoh :D :D
HEMY said…
Jard..ekeke..jgn wat cmtu le yeee

arabellaa : ekekeke..mana ada..fitnah je ko ni..mwahahaha

Fiza : ahahaha..dia nak aku jatuh sendiri sbnrya instead of dia yg langgar
HEMY said…
aku jarang hon syahshah..mmg jarang sangattttt..sebab honking wat orang terkejut maybe
LaiLiE iZaNi said…
gul 2 msti tkut2...sbb 2 dia hesitate nk msk mmg xske gak lau terjmpa gul drive cm2..nyusah kan jek...sbb kte tkut dia terlggar kt kan..lau sy dh bg high beam dh, xpon hon...yela kt xpasti dia nk g mne kan...huhuhuhu
adie said…
mesti driver viva tu pompuan kan?kan? hehe.. (padahal ko dah bagitau dah pompuan.hehe)
zonaku said…
no worries... she deserve that!

membahayakan orang......
Syah Shah said…
memang hon buat orang terkejut... tapi aku lagi suka hon dari buat cenggitu... heheheheh :D :D
Hahaha. Sama macam aku. Geram tol dengan pemandu kereta yg tak alert dgn keadaan sekeliling esp penunggang motosikal. Aku pagi tadi pun hampir menunjukkan jari tengah kat sorang brader/pakcik bawak kete xtengok side mirror. Nasib baik datang kesabaran. Huhuhu.

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