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2days for an entry

We had a special ocassion today at our workspace where the objective of the session is to get you know your 'neighbour'. We have been here for almost a month, sharing with other teams in the same floor, smiling to each other and looking at the signpost of every corner that describes a bit whose team is occupying the section.

So today, they make us visiting each of the sections to get to know more about all the teams here, to know what does this team do and at the same time we might catch the names of the faces that smiles to us everyday.

I had to 'present' about my team a bit just now. The project team is about to be rolled out by the end of this month and the support team which is where I belong would still be here for years.

------------continued the next day----------------

Wow..I need 2 days for an entry, that's sucks!! Today, cyberview organized Hari Raya open house at an open parking space for the entire residents of Cyberjaya to come. Like always, I never let the chance of a free meal slip away from my hand. We went there and the food are so great!!

Ayam goreng madu, satay, papadom, pizza, murtabak, cendol, old town coffee, nasi2 that I didn't take at all and lots more. Unlike other open house event that I've been to, the food here tastes as nice as they should be. I think they didn't cook if half-heartedly. SOoo..nice. I would remember my team, 1Health team as a team that gives me lots of meals..well, it used to till the day SHell started to cut cost and there.

The picture below was taken after our last team lunch at Shangrila Putrajaya;


Mak Su said…
get to know your neighbour? wow!

aksi loncat mesti ada ek :)
tangga tu kalau tergolek sakit woo~

cuba lompat kat bahagian yang tak rata~

Unknown said…
lompat dari atas ke bawah ke bro???hahahhaah
HEMY said…
Mak SU : mesti..tu trademark

Zara : aku jatuh ko tangkap leh?

~o~ : lompat setempat je
joegrimjow said…
hanya slr mampu memberikan kesan scantik ini
adie said…
wow! lentik giler mamat yg tgh tu.hik3...
sharamli said…
0rgnya kurang mel0mpat xm02..ha3
anwar said…
ada tokoh jadi pelapis gymnas negara..

kredit pd anwar krn snap gambar mavelos.. muhhahahaa
Masy said…
mamat belah kanan tu nyer aksi aku mmg xleh tahan arr hahaa. kaki lentik giler cam ko tp muka seposen je wakakakkakakakakaka
HEMY said…
Joe : kamera digital pn buleh la...huhuhu..meh bagi aku satu aku amek..

Penyu : lentik tulen banggg

Sharamli : haaa..tu namanya kelebihan atas kekurangannnn

Anwar : thanks for the shot anwar. Lupa nk letk kredit..huhuhu

Masy : dia la geng budk ni dh besar
mai_za said…
o cayolah korg, aksi lompt tlampau nie...bhay siok..y ke-3 sblh kanan 2 muke biasa jer.. cm xlmpat aku tgk tap kaki ats awm jgk..kot ye pun nk lmpat, cri r tmpt rate beb..bhye 2
green said…
waa..i rejected to come to one open house this evening coz i am soo bz..

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