I felt soooo lazyyyy..I walked outside the house and the night was brilliantly calm. The big ugly dog of my neighbour wasn't barking like he usually does every night. The night breeze feels so chilly. I went back into my house trying to take my ablution, but I couldn't resist to sit back on the sofa and watched the drama.
Only after I tried really hard to jump off the sofa, I managed to let myself getting into the bathroom for my wudhu'. Performed isyak prayer and did my 8 rakaat of terawih. I was listening to saad al-ghamidi this morning reciting one of the surah during the terawih prayer in Macca. He was crying like a baby. He cried so hard till he had to pause for a while. How deep his prayer to Allah is. How he could feel Allah's omnipotent force, His mercy, His kindness. Unlike me, I even forgot which rakaat I was during my prayer. Oh Allah..please accept my prayer. Pleaseeee
Please don't misunderstood this entry as a show off. For me. it's just a way to remind my blog readers, my friends on how barakah ramadhan is. Take the chance at least this very month once a year. It's better than not even trying. We brag when we went to a concert, meeting the artist, doing stuffs. I believe it's Ok to share about our prayer with intention of trying to attract other people to do the same. But don't ever think of it as bragging. It's way different story.
Let's discuss this!! Is it Ok to chat about our prayer just like things and activities, shoppig and etc that we do everyday. I'm imagining we could discuss openly with our friends something like
"U know what, I missed my subuh prayer this morning"
"really?? you should perform qadha' for it"
"But I learn that there's no such thing as qadha for prayer"
"well, you would at least get a better feeling. He's merciful. He knows you just overslept. Not intentionally missed it"
"make sense"
"From what I learned, you supposed to perform the 'qadha' right after you woke up and you knew right away you missed it?"
"But what if I was late for my work"
"Like I said, Allah knows better. We just keep trying"
See. It's supposed to be as normal as sharing and talking about other stuffs even for our ibadah or prayer. It's not bragging..its just how normal it supposed to be. People tend to think it's abnormal to talk about your prayer and religious thing.
Well, I welcome everyone's views on this. =]. Selamat beramal semuaaa
what a narrow minded.
slalunya kalo tlepas qada je..at least rasa tenang sket kot dri biar je cmtu huhu
slalunya ku kal0 bgun..pejam lu la..
ttiba tgk da tgh ari...hu3
k.e.r.i : setakat ni ko je yg dpt tgkp soalan sebenar aku keri..hehehe
imheppie : ekekeke..sbnrya kan..penah terbaca..kalau pas smbhyg tu rasa tenang, tak ingat lak makruh ke apa..tp tak elok la..cam yakin sgt allah terima smyg..tp yg ni tak cek balik lg ngan org agama.
John : peringatan utk aku gak
Penyu : kalau dh terjaga subuh dh msuk..tido balik..bgun dh cerah..tu yg masalah tu
Wanie : kita hanya boleh mencubaa
Sharamli : sama kes kita..yg tu yg dosa tinggalkan smyg tu sharamli..kena la taubat kita ni
SyahShah : org skang mana lesing.kita begitu open minded and tolerate..kita nk ajak diorg plak yg kena pk hati diorg..huhu
betul tak perlu nak menunjuk2 tp entri ni menasihatkan... memang bagus