She replied "it's Ok and ...................".'s our thing. The phone at my desk is not yet functioning. I would call her right away if it's working. My prepaid is less than RM3..huhu. So, Cembam understand that. Actually I kinda forgot that today is 16 because my present has already reached her hands yesterday. I posted it via DHL on Monday and it reached her the next day eventhough the staff said it would reach her on Thursday.
I printed her the album (that you can see in my flickr or the efendism blog) for her present. She likes it of course. Hehehe!!
So, happy birthday Cembam..another year of your life. Hopefully it would make you a bettr person, can cope with any situation calmly, blessed by Allah with his merciness and forgiveness.
pepepun hepi besday tuk cembam and slmt hr ry mf zhr btn tuk korang berdua.
penyubiru : thanks for the wish..slamat hari rayeeee
moga kebahgiaan milik ko selamanya...
moga u all hepi and bahgio sokmo
hepi bday la cembam
september gak ko ye?
moga dapat adiah banyak-banyak
selamat hari raya..
moga bahagia selalu
romantik jugak la
hepi bday to cembam ko.
cpt2 kawennnnnn!
epi befday....
kawin jgn lupe akuuuuuuuuu
hemy aku pn nk adiah beday tau..heheheheh
nnti ko kawen ko jmpt aku tau..genti aku dtg..nk suh aku jd pgapit ko pn aku blh gak..hahaha
btw hepi bestday cembam! =)
Green : nope..not the happiest..but still happy
wanie : ok.takde pengapit aku roger ko..huhu
wawa : =]
Arabella : mmg nk tukar ni...thanks for the wish
Mak SU : tahniah mak su...
oo, dan selamat menyambut hari raya. semoga bahagia selalu =)