Remember my banner about the family potrait photography session?? Well, it didn't really happen as it should. I arrived at the bazaar around 12 noon. Unfortunately, the organizer, my friend wasn't there. He had to bring Zaffar to the clinic. I wasn't sure what to do and no one came to me. Well, it's not that they know or notice me as someone who should be taking pictures for the bazaar's 'family potrait' event. Maybe I should have my own corner with a banner saying 'family picture here' or something like that.
But still cool though. I just wanted to see Zaffar anyway. They arrived around 3 o'clock. I promised them that I would be there till 5p.m and after our lunch it's already 4.15p.m. Hence, no photography session as advertised. That's why I just took their pictures to like a compensation for the whole day..ehehehe.
Ok, just enjoy your pictures. And as for my own advertisement. I do take this kind of family potraits. Either outdoor or indoor events. The package usually comes with 6x8 inches 20 pages album. Just let me know the place, what kind of events and how you want the pictures to be processed. The most important thing is that u like my pictures..=]