Aku : "Susahnya cabaran kita dok berjauhan ek...cuti lain-lain, jauh kena pakai duit plak tu. Nk isi balik bank yg kosong tu susah leeee" Cembam : "Tu la..Aku plak mggu depan ada sekolah ganti utk Hari Raya. Kalau time sekolah ganti ko nk datang tak?" Aku : "cam taknak je...dah ko sekolah..tak best ah" Cembam : "Takpe la camtu. Selang seminggu tak jumpa pun Ok. Ko pun tak sangap kan..Ahahahahaha" Aku : "Tak pun. Ntah2 kau yg sangap tapi tak nak ngaku..haaaa" Well, a little bit of the conversation we had using the SMS service.We still have the same humor but it seems Cembam is catching up a bit. Hehehe. Oh, I decided to put a picture for every entry of my wedding because I couldn't get enough time to upload my pictures to share it by batch like the solemnization one in the previous entries. So, hopefully you can still enjoy it. -------------------------*****************--------------------------- Want to share anoth...