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Showing posts from April, 2010

Kami lalat perintis ilmu terbang di dunia ini~~~~

Waiting for my wife to reach KL, or precisely said Bukit Jalil LRT station. The last update was that the bus she's on have just emerged out of LPT. So, around 90 minutes before touch down I supposed. Connected using my 5hell's laptop. Need to bring it home because I need to work from home tomorrow. We are supposed to have a day-off tomorrow because 1st May falls on Saturday, so we got Friday extra OFF. But due to some crucial system installation, we need to do some testing and some potential error caused by the installation. Alhamdulillah..gratefully and fortunately my team said that as long as we could be contacted, working from home is surely an option. So, I could balik kampung early morning tomorrow after I fetched my wife and spend the night at my sister's house. Cembam would surely exhausted after the 4 hour-journey. Kick-off tonight might gonna be too much for her. Kalau korang nak tahu, keturunan aku ni la satu-satunya binatang yang boleh terbang suatu ketika dul

Fart you thief for making my life even worse!!

  Macam white parrot ni nasihatkan aku. Amboi kau parrot..bukan main nasihat aku siap cak cak bagai..Alalalalala~~~ Mekasih ye. Gambar yang diambil masa first time kuar outing ngan Cembam ditemani Dieypu D40 aku. Amek gambar partot ni time lentuk ni rasa sangat puas hati. Kira macam capture the moment la masa tu..fuh..aku akan cuba la tak sedey yeee...   Sebab kalau sedey je muka kang macam orang utan ni plak. Biar sedey di dalam, tapi riang di luar la yeeee   Gambar ni masa ke Perlis nu.sampai nak maghrib dah. Tapi kawan Cembam setia gak pakai baju pengantin utk diorang. Gambar ni bermakna sebab masa ni la terasa nak kena beli gak speedlight utk gambar indoor yg lebih WAUUUUU!!! Hmm..sebenarnya dia jadi rasa sangat sedey bila kita terpikir nak jalan-jalan and honeymoon bulan 6 ni ke Redang insyaAllah. Bila dok angan gi jalan-jalan mesti la berangan amek gambar best-best kan??  Masa tu baru sedar..dah takde kamera..Ya Allah..memang sedey sangat la masa teringat tu. *************

Tribute to Nieyl and Dieypu - my once DSLRs.

  If yesterday, the sadness could be contained, But at this very moment, It squeezes my heart out, Unable to breath yet my mind keep swirling in the air, Flying through the dimension and every particle of the memoirs, Seeking for the moments that are so special, The remnants and the reminder of what I once have... Fuh..poem skit. Just to make my day better kot. Huuu.. so sad bila dikenangkan. Duit kawin pun sampai sipi-sipi je sebab beli DSLR tu. Suatu masa dulu, aku berjalan dengan kawan opis pergi makan tengahari; " kan kalau ada DSLR..sume benda-benda sekeliling kita ni ada cerita. Angle ni, angle ni..lawa ni beb ", sambil aku menggayakan tangan ku seakan2 memegang sebuah DSLR "Pergh..gaya dah ada beb" " Kena angankan dulu beb. Orang kata dia akan trigger sub-conscious mind kita. So, kita akan lebih berusaha untuk dapatkannya " Dan Alhamdulillah..aku dapat memiliki DSLR pertama aku Nikon D40 yg aku rasa aku pegang genap 2 tahun lepas

Musibah~~ Bila sang durjana tidak berhati perut mengambil hak orang lain..

Malam itu, aku terasa begitu bodoh untuk tidak tetap hati melakukan ibadah selain daripada sembahyang lima. Itu pun ada yang miss. Usai solat maghrib, hati dan jari itu bagai ditarik sesuatu. Kuning, berkulit tebal dan terletak rapi di atas rak baju. "Lama dah tak baca" Duduk bersila, aku baca kitab suci yang lama terpinggir. Ku mulai dengan surah Yusuf kerna seingat aku itulah surah terakhir aku baca sebelum aku hanyut dalam dunia fana tanpa menoleh semula. Terasa sebak, girang, tenang bercampur baur untuk setiap baris yang dilenggok bagi menambahkan keindahan rasa kebesaran. Insaf sebentar tatkala membaca tafsir bagi setiap baris yg menceritakan perihal Nabi Yusuf dan pandangan jahat saudara-saudaranya. Malam itu aku berazam untuk terus mendekatkan lagi diri ini pada Nya. Berazam untuk cuba dan terus mencuba. Berlalu malam itu dengan suatu azam. ================ Esok harinya... Ke tempat mencari rezeki seperti biasa. Awal dari biasa. Usai zuhur, teringat azam malam

Every drop of the rain comes with an angel and full of blessing. What are you waiting for??

Surah Ar-R'ad, ayat 28 : “(Iaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan tenang tenteram hati mereka dengan zikrullah”. Ketahuilah dengan “zikrullah” (mengingati Allah) itu, tenang tenteramlah hati manusia.  The last ayat I read just now. Somehow by reading it's meaning it soothes my heart walking out of the surau. Yeah..I was worrying and concern about this year's increment. Would it be a nice figure waiting for me after the continuous contribution that I've gave to the company? Is it worth all the effort to do our best for the whole year? Hopefully Mikhail Angel would bring a good news from HIM. It's raining outside. I could hear the growling thunder and the tapping sound of the rain. My teacher once said that everytime it rains, for every drop of it comes along with an angel. How many millions of drops are they? And how many millions of angels came down from the heaven you could imagine? For every angel, they have hundreds of wings which every one of it stretches from t

Suatu ketika dulu..awek-awek adalah pengalaman menarik. Mesti baca!!! In bukan entri membangga diri

Tetiba teringat zaman kolej, so bila dikenang zaman kolej ni ada 2 benda paling menarik. Network game dan Aweks. Ekekeke. CGPA?? apa ke de kes, masuk U nak grad je. CGPA tak pakai pun untuk kerja (ahahha..untuk pembaca yg masih belajar, ini fakta benar. Tapi takut kena gam. SILA JANGAN TIRU NASIHAT INI). Terbaca berita-berita sadis kena rogol sebab ikut pakwe balik umah la, konon jumpa famili la. Sebenarnya takleh salah 100% kat gadis si mangsa. 5% datang dari laki tu juga..or pakwe mangsa. Walaupun aku baik, comel dan dipercayai ibu-bapa gadis, tapi walaupun dengan status ini, aku masih punya ilmu lelaki yakni memikat gadis. Walaupun tak terrer masih lagi ada tau. So, korang leh bayang yang memang terrer dan kena plak siap ada baca-baca. Bahaya~~~~ Dulu, gaya aku memang tak berapa gentle, aku selalu mintak kawan pada gadis yang ku minat itu utk tanyakan status. Aku ada sebab sendiri ngape tak gentleman tanya sendiri. 1. Aku tak sekelas pun kadang ngan awek tu, aku nk citer apa kalu

Ikan kapkek mak ilai ilai...

In the middle of editing some more pictures for our wedding album. seems it's way harder to compose your own album. I'm taking a break by typing this entry and watching Heroes season 4. I am also in the middle of updating my list of movies. Well, I have hundreds GB of movies in my hard drive and sometimes during the exchange among other friends with the same interest, I kinda forgot which movies that I already have. So, to avoid unnecessary copying that consumes time , I prepare a list of the movies that I'd be bringing everwhere inside my pendrive. Any of you movie collector? We could bring our laptop and our portable hard-drive when we meet in the future. While chatting about what revolves around us, we could wait the copying progress right?? I'll share my list of movies once I finished with it. Just remind me of it yah. I got a text message this afternoon from my mom; " Mampus sume ikannya " Hahaahaha..Mom bought the Carp fishes as well. It c

Arwah Ustaz dalam kotak mimpi lepas belasan tahun

Aku berpakaian baju melayu sekolah warna putih. Sedang berada di luar kelas. Aku panik. Aku telah melakukan satu kesalahan yg memungkinkan aku untuk dipanggil oleh ustaz dan didenda. Cuak cuak. Aku cuba berlalu dari kelas yang pengawasnya ditugaskan untuk memanggil pesalah-pesalah ini. Salah sorang pengawas itu adalah seniorku yg memang kawan dan jiran aku.  Ingatkan dia akan pandang sebelah mata je bila aku lalu, sekali dia panggil nama aku, "sini kau" Aku panik dan terus masuk bilik darjah. Aku kena ambik sampin aku dulu nak ngadap ustaz tu. Halamak, camne ni. Perlahan-lahan aku masuk bilik darjah sebelah yang mana ustaz tu sudah menunggu. Ada yg lain sudah pun berdiri di depan kelas. Sama-sama buat salah. Sampin telah ku pakai kemas. Ustaz tu nampak je aku, dia terus londehkan balik sampin aku dan selimpangkan kat bahu aku macam penari zapin selalu pakai. "haa..ko pakai camni tadi kan?", kata ustaz tu lagi. Oh, baru aku tau salah aku apa skang. Maka berdiri l

Ikan Kap atas meja, bukan untuk santapan perut, tapi bagi mata yg tak berkedip-kedip

Huuu~~~ Got back from my hometown. Drove through S.Alam last night. Just want to check the distance and the time consumed if I drove through S.Alam instead of S.Buloh. Apparently, the distance is just about the same. It's just a matter of your speed and the road condition. Both routes are advisable to be taken =] Ahh, see the picture above? I bought them from the night market yesterday. Hehehe..Ikan Kap. It has been a long time since I was so longing to keep a fish for a pet, put them on my office desk as my eyes-therapy. Looking at them floating with their colours is surely a therapy other than looking the greenery which hardly to be found in Cyberjaya. Development everywhere!! So, this is my first attempt. Hopefully all of them would lead a happy life, get along and grow bigger perhaps. If this first project succeeded, I would be looking forward to adopt other kind of fishes. Hehehe. Thanks to Nor Arinee Mat Saaud, Frodo Baggins, bdk_SkemA, hakimfaridzul and suliani for f

Cangkul buat lubang, sambil layan kaunseling dari abah

Lepas subuh pagi tadi, aku gagahkan mata untuk temankan mak masak sarapan pagi. Mak masak mi goreng, tapi aku tak biasa makan pagi-pagi camtu. So aku tengok je la yang lain makan. Lepas pada tu, tau-tau aku dh tidor balik dah. Dalam pukul 9.30 abah berdiri depan aku. " jom tolong abah cangkul lubang buat tanam pokok sawit ". Err...aku pun dengan mamai nye ikut je la. Sebab sapa lagi nak tolong. Abah plak kata tangan kiri dia dah tak larat nak angkat cangkul tu. So aku pakai suar lusuh kerja kat almari belakang,baju lusuh dan bersiap2. Aku pakai sandal je pun. Sblum smpai kebun abah singgah kedai runcit. " gi amik air minum apa-apa yg nak ". Hehehehe..abah masih guna ayat yg sama time aku kecik dulu. Nak kasi aku semangat tolong dia kat kebun, abah akan kasi kitorang pilih air apa yg kitorang suka. Makan nasi lemak dulu. Masa tu pakcik2 lain memang kenal la kitorang. Sampai kat kebun, dah besar2 dah pokok sawit. Kerja aku, wat lubang untk tanam sawit baru. Kira na

Lolipop batang panjang~~~~

Minggu ni weekend dihabiskan di rumah mak ayah aku. Tapi tanpa isteri tersayang di sisi. Sob sob..Cembam ada aktiviti kat sekolah dia. So, kalau datang pun cam tak best la ada hal plak. Lagipun fulus tak berapa nak ada dah ni. Huhuhu..Cembam pulak memang sah-sah la takleh turun KL. Jadi minggu ni tak berjumpa la kami..Huu..Biweekly husband plak kalau berterusan camni. Huwaaa~~~ Pas zuhur mak dan adik ajak pergi Sungai Besar. Aku malas sebenarnya..panas. Maklumla, kat opis aircond sampai pukul 6 petang. Terasa panas melampau plak dunia luar tu. Tapi mak ajak gak. Ok lah. Sebelum kuar teringat plak lolipop pemberian Manje ku untuk adiah kawin kami.Aku tak sempat sentuh pun masa kenduri ari tu. Pastu tertinggal kat kampung, ingat mak dah bagi2 kat anak sepupu aku. Upanya ada lagi.    Nampak jambangan bunga tu?? Buat dari lolipop tauu So masa dalam keta aku isap la lolipop tu..haa..tgok gambar bawah ni. Lolipop manje ni rupanya berbatang panjanggggg..ekekeeke. Abah muka tak puas hati

lepas satu, satu barang ilang. Jumpa satu, ilang yg lain. D.E.M

Aku baru sampai umah parents aku tengah malam yang dah tak berapa tengah dah. Dalam pukul 1.10 pagi aku sampai. Sempat layan tenis dulu kat MMU. Kul 10.20 tolak dari MMU lalu MEX memang pantas. Tapi singgah KL Sentral dulu amek kamera aku dari member. Kul 11.30 dari KL. Kira nye sejam setengah la aku besit dari KL sampai Sabak. Hahahaha~~~ Malam takde speedtrap. Ni baru je abeh lap-lap keta. Pagi tadi bawak kuar PC lama aku dari bilik adik aku ke ruang tamu. Try boleh masuk tenet tak. Sekali boleh. Happy adik aku. Dia kat umah akak aku dah ke Ausie nak pakai laptop sapa. Nak potong streamyx tu sian plak kat adik aku. So takpela. So far pelajaran dia tak terganggu walaupun berfacebook bagai. Tadi kat dapur mak tanya aku jumpa ke kunci moto yang aku ilang ari tu; " Jumpa dah mak, dalam beg laptop. Terselit bawah extension yang ada dalam tu " "Hmm..kan dah suruh carik betul-betul" " Haah..tapi baru jumpa kunci ilang IPOD shuffle plak (tp sebut kat mak aku &q

Aku sebotol perfume. Monolog hidup ku~~

Aku sebotol perfume. Sebenarnya dua botol la, sebab selalu korang beli ada yg dapat free kecik punya roll-on tu kan? Haa..jangan salah anggap tu sedara aku. Tu sebenarnya sebahagian dari aku tau. Kitorang memang lumrahnya dijadikan begitu. Umpama belangkas la kalau haiwannya. Aku dilahirkan di sebuah kilang area Ukay Perdana. Memang la susur galur keturunan kami ni grand "Issimiyaki" kan. Tapi buatnya kat Ukay Perdana je pun. Tak banyak dh keturunan kami yg memang datang dari luar negara. Ramai dh yg berhijrah dan dilahirkan kat Malaysia ni. Tapi harga kami tetap grand sebab kami ada class ok. Bila time dh ramai-ramai dilahirkan dalam satu hari tu sempat la kenal dengan adik beradik yg lain. Kecoh kau kalau dh satu kotak tu dok borak bayangkan sapa yg bakal pakai kami ni. Kena plak kami ni spesis untuk unisex. Thrill gak nak tau dapat kat jantan ke betina kan. Bila dah sampai kat pasaraya tempat kami akan dijual, mmg la pes time tengok umat muhamad punya ramai kat dunia n

Hit and run. Pity. Claimed under own insurance

9th April - I was on the bus towards Kuantan and just 10 minutes before that I received a text message from my wife that she and her sister is on their way to the bus stand to fetch me up before my mobile phone was ringing. It was my wife. "Hello" "Weh...orang langgar belakang. Kuat lak tu. Sakit dahi ni kena dashboard" "Haaa?? then apa citer? sapa langgar?".I was like couldn't believe something like that happened. They were stopping at the junction waiting for the green light. The car in front of them was a bit slow to move when the light changed and suddenly BAAMMMM!! , someone hit the rear. Panicked, they moved aside by the road hoping the one who ran into them would stop as well. But the car was vanished from their eyes speeding in the rainy night. The exhaust was fallen and dragged along the road. The worst thing is that they didn't even know what hit them. So you can guess the registration number is too much to be asked. A towing servic

Aku seekor burung~~~ feat. Thanks for the juice extractor

I managed to stay awake after this morning's subuh prayer. Yeahh!!!~~~ A very nice morning I spent with a lot of things. First, I washed my laundry. Then while waiting for it, I went out and washed my car!! It was raining last night so I thought that saves me the effort nak siram-siram my car. So why not I start washing it? Once finished, I even washed my bike Wardina!! Drained my laundry and spun them. After that, I prepared my carrot juice using the juice extractor my friend, Nora gave me. Thank you so much. I love it!! It's the only thing I could think of when my colleague asked me what I want for my wedding gift. Yeaa~~ A nice carrot juice in the morning which hopefully would prevent my eyes becoming worse. I can do a lot of things if I stay awake every morning before going to the office. But the temptation to sleep back is so highhh~~~~ I couldn't resist it every morning. It's farting hard!! Did you guys read my pink announcement up there? Please feel free to gi

Aku sebuah Almari. versi budak darjah dua

Aku sebuah almari. Lahir ku di suatu sudut daerah terpencil yg mana Pasaraya Billion dianggap syurga shopping bagi peduduk Daerah tersebut. Lahir ku disambut dengan bunyi-bunyian enjin yang menderu, pemotong yang nyata menyilukan mereka yg lalu lalang serta bau kayu yg sangat kuat diselang seli dengan bau varnis yg sengit. Aku diberi nama Kebenzi . Disambut oleh seorang bidan lelaki, berpeluh hauk dan berbaju hapak dek peluh keringat. Aku kemudiannya dicat hitam menawan hitam nampak kemas..nama saya Rain sebelum dipindahkan ke bilik pameran utk tatapan bakal-bakal pemilikku. Sebagai sebuah almari, sudah lumrah ku mahu berbakti kepada tuanku sehingga ke akhir hayat. Berdiri utuh aku saban hari melihat mata-mata yg menatap serta tangan-tangan yg merayap merasai sekujur tubuhku namun haram tak pula aku dibelinya. Suatu hari aku lihat seorang lelaki separuh umur berkunjung ke bilik pameran. Bunyi TING TONG yg memang menyambut setiap pelanggan kami di pintu masuk membuatkan aku terseda

Playing tennis is fun and you get many friends in the process

Lying on my chest waiting for my files to be transferred to my external hard disk. My housemate is kind enough to let me store my pictures in his 1TB disk. Now that I've already have my own,it's time to clear up the space. I have hundreds GB movies. Gonna watch them with my wife, family and kids maybe.Who knows. Just got back from playing tennis. Tonight I played with some guys who are better than me. They've been playing tennis for years. Albeit of the instructions every now and then on the court during the play to correct my mistakes, I still had a lot of fun during the learning process. I bet I'm gonna be better after every sessions I had with them. And I gain more and more friends in the process. Definitely I'm not gonna be as good as him. Federer started playing since he was a small boy. Me?? When I was 26 year-old. Ahahahhaa...that's a hell of a gap to be filled. But the best thing tonight was when one of the senior player thought that I had a coaching

No one cares when the guys are sexually harassed!! NO one!!

I had Mi Sup for my lunch. Paid for it, put it on our table and queued in the line to buy my drink. In front of me, a girl which I'm not really sure whether she's a Malay, Sabahan or Non-Malay was waiting for her drinks to be prepared. Remember my motto " checking out girls' figures is the right of everyone (mengusha figure aweks adalah hak milik setiap insan ", so I just couldn't help myself. She's fucking standing in front of me with that chubby and plum body!! How can I not see her?~~   credit to Google 38-32-38 . That's the estimation that came across my mind. She's wearing a short skirt one and a-half inch from her knee. You can see some marks on her thighs. Maybe because of sitting on the rattan chair for a long time having her meal. I checked her eye-glasses, Uuuu~~~ Prada.  Okay~~ now you are saying I'm gatai or miang??What the fart!! I'm being sexually harassed. Hello!!~~~. See, no one cares when we, guys are sexually harassed.

Any sign yet??Throwing up??Headache??

Cembam texted me this afternoon asking if my eldest sister, Kak Wa is pregnant. I hurriedly checked her status. It didn't really say clearly that she's pregnant but the reply was saying that she has done the test last week. Wow~~~~ My sister is pregnant. I texted mom and it seems Mom has already knew about it. I replied to my sis's status and get back to work. Suddenly a message came in. It was from my mom. I read it; " Abang camne? Najwa takde tanda-tanda lagi ke? ". Oh gosh!!!~~ I wasn't expecting this kind of question this early. Huhu..I replied to Mom not to expect it too early for us because we are still in the learning process and we really hope that we could live under the same roof before we could have the 'sign'. And mom was OK with it.  Then later, my other sister who had our wedding ceremony together called me. Well, actually Fik, her husband was on the line at first. He asked something and then he said he's gonna become a father.

Another purple theme pictures

I got a lot of buzz yesterday in my Chatbox. Thanks for the traffic guys, I really appreciate it. I clicked every links and some of them are blogs that I've visited before and I dropped a comment for their entry. I followed some of the blogs after I got attracted by the way of their writings. I found out that some of the BUZZers just say Hi , or Salam Singgah eventhough I dropped comments on their entries. (That means I read them entries..). It's irony. How sincere I should be other than dropping comments on blogs I've visited to say that " Hey,I really read your entries "?. Should I also mentioned " I've just clicked your nuff ads "? Should I? Hmmm~~ It's not that I'm so longing to have many comments for my entries, but I need more blog-friends whom I can share lots of things among us. I can play along with your game, visiting back all of your blogs and said Hi in your Cbox. But that's so not me. Maybe I would be booed or exiled by th

Roda-roda kehidupan kami

Dulu, lama dulu pengangkutan utama aku adalah basikal. Lepas jatuh acap kali atas rumput kapet depan laman, aku akhirnya pandai naik beskal. Lepas seminggu, mak dan ayah aku bagi kebenaran untuk aku ke sekolah berbasikal. Masa tu aku darjah 2 tak silap aku. Basikal pertama aku, kuberi nama " Rally Blue ". Sudah pastinya ia adalah nama yg begitu naif utk aku yg kudus mulus waktu itu dapat aku berikan kerna beskal berjenama Rally dan berwarna biru. Masa mula2 berbasikal ke sekolah memang ke tengah ke tepi aku kayuh beskal tu. Smpai kan kadang2 tau-tau je ada motor yg sipi-sipi je tepi aku. Rupanya aku dah ke tengah jalan. Nanti ada makcik yg mengambil upah menyisik kelapa di kedai Ah Seng akan menjerit, " Hoiiiiii..budak!!! Ko naik beskal ke tengah ke tepi kang kena langgar ko ya Allah!!! Anak sapa ko ni haaa???!!! " Nyaring dan masih terngiang-ngiang. Tapi aku wat dono je. Lama-lama aku terrer dan makcik tu tak bising-bising lagi. Aku juga pernah pakai basikal yg

I want to publish creative entries..but~~~~~~

I'm in the middle of composing an entry but I thought I should prepare it properly with some drawing. So, drafted that one first hoping I could finish the drawing later. This is all for the sake of a proper and nice quality of entry..yeahh~~~ OK, speaking of quality entry. We know that this is the most important thing for a blogger to make themselves known by the others, adored for every single words in their blogs and having loyal readers that would eventually contribute to the income for the blog. If you are not running a blog of artist gossips,downloading port or some must-have items online sale, the only thing your reader would evaluate and addicted is your very quality entries of yours that would give a huge attractiveness impact on them. To make your entry a must-read is actually easy but it's really hard at the same time. I think I don't need to touch on the easy part. Most of you have already read the tips from many blogs out there. Attractive entry title, search

Dok bersebelahan atas bas hingga ke jinjang pelamin~~

Baru pertama kali aku guna Park N Ride yg disediakan oleh Putrajaya Sentral management. Pusing2 sebelum masuk ke bahagian basement. Ada banyak gak kereta yg parking situ. Aku tanya pak guard situ mana dia Park N Ride yg free tu, sebab aku ada nampak signboard "sila bayar di Autopay". "sini la.." " Mana tempat yg selalu banyak keta ek? " "sini je bang. Kalau memang balik kampung 2-3 hari, senang kami nampak", sambil tunjuk bahagian parking yang betul-betul belakang meja beliau. " Oh..Ok..mekasih " Aku amek beg 2 buah aku tu and perasan jajan kenduri aku hari tu ada sebundle lagi dalam bonet. Aku bawak kuar and terus bagi pada pak guard tadi. " Ni bang, saya baru je kenduri kawin hari tu " "Oh, mekasih ye" Aku tengok pak guard tu terus bahagi-bahagikan jajan tadi dan vroom ntah pergi mana untuk diagihkan pada rakan2 lain. Kira OK gak suapan aku utk beliau jaga kereta aku kan..ekekekeke. Sambil tunggu bas, aku

Yeaa~~ Terbang tinggi wau bulan itu...err..tak tinggi mana pun

Lepas 8 jam aku dalam bas dari Putrajaya ke Kuala Terengganu, Cembam picked up dengan keta Honda City Ateh (adik ipar aku) yg baru. Fuh...Class!!~~. Aku sampai stesen bas K.T dalam pukul 5.50 pagi. Sampai je umah in-law, kami semayang subuh berjemaah dan tidur semula.(tiada apa berlaku antara kami..penat dan mual mungkin masuk angin dok atas bas). Bangun dlm kul 9.30 gak, sarapan dan ke bandar utk mendapatkan tiket bas. Adik ipar aku sorang lagi, NurFarhana pergi beli CD original Hijjaz yg baru " Permata Hijjaz ". Bukan Permata Hijrah ye, yg tu utk titis mata. Dia dan adik ipar laki aku si Ekal ni memang peminat setia. Siap chat ngan anggota nasyid Hijjaz tu lagi dalam FB. Makan tengahari mmg best. Aku pulun ikan senangin bakar, ikan gelama dan ikan rebus goreng yg ayah mertua aku dapat dari hasil memukat semalam. Ayah cakap ingat nak ajak aku tarik pukat, tapi ombak kuat plak. " Asal saya ada sini je memang ombak kuat yah " " haha..takde rezeki " Ha

Part 1 : Tips memaksimakan kememuahan blog anda~~ (how to maximize memuahness of your blog)

Feeling bored. Stuck with issues that is beyond your authorization to be fixed. I thought rather than staring blankly into my screen, perhaps sharing some tips on how I make my blog Memuah (looking nice) would be beneficial to others.  Ok, I've been blogging since 2007 persuaded by my sis who is no longer a blogger now. I know nothing of programming language. Err, that's a lie. I am a software engineering degree holder, but know not that good in programming. So, the more reason why you should seek for my tips. Imagine my Memuah blog now customized by someone who's sucks in programming!! You could do better than me definitely. Ok, let's start. I'll skip the part that you need to register bla bla bla!! 1. Know what kind of blog you are running .  Online shop, personal, gossip, downloading and etc. You need to know your blog blood group =p. This is to make sure the next step would align with what you want from your blog. 2. How many columns do you want? Once you kno