Initially the event was spread just among us on the Facebook, but just to make it sweeter, I've already put up some picture, with some words here and there and tadaaa!! The formal poster. Yep!! Memuah is back!!
When ? - August 30th
Venue ? - Taman belakang Masjid Shah Alam (I don't even know the name)
Theme ? - Potluck.
We gonna buy our own food, but actually is still under discussion. Initially they were giving this list with who supposed to bring/buy what. But am not sure if they really serious or just a joke. But I reckon that during this fasting month, we don't really have the stomach prepared to eat like the usual days. Some people like me would prefer to have a simple iftar meal because we have to perform maghrib afterwards - time constraint.
So, I would prefer if everyone buys their own meal, murtabak ke apa but any meal you want to bring along, for example Wafa's cake is sooo welcomed. Ah, and Fradoo abc too. Sooo welcomed (jimat duit air). We gonna have our meal and perform maghrib prayer at the S.Alam mosque.
As that next day is our National Day, but I'm not sure if S.Alam would celebrate it (I mean the firework and all), we might hang out and have our leisure time afterwards. So the plan is to perform our Isyak and Terawih 8 rakaat at the mosque, and continue with our meal and have a blast time!!
The theme for that day is..yahh..It just came across my mind 3 seconds ago;
Makan, mengerjakan solat, menyambung makan dan meraikan kemerdekaan
4M!! Mwahahaha..Even goverment use the me-kan, why don't me. So, if those Memuahers wanna join, just drop a comment here yah!!
nak join... tapi aku dah kat penang... korang enjoy sambil beribadah jgn lupakan daku yeee
dah setahun masa berlalu.... first time jumpa joe kan???
teh tu aku xmo teh jasmine yee~
jard : ko bawak jeli kelapa la jard..ekekek..takpun brooch ko tu..ekekeke
zonaku : hehehe..moga cepat sembuh keta ko..
joe ada agenda buka gengblogger sendiri this weekend
aku mo kuih!
sapa beli kuih?
1. kuih cara berlauk yg best!
2. onde2/buah malaka yg best!
3. popiah sambal yg best ye!~
kalau nak kueh..takut montok sentap plak!!! ahahahaha
kak montok mmg bwk nasik panas.. =)
lauk?? huhu
dah setahun kita berbuka puase sesame kat restoren nona tu kan???
selamat berpotluck korang!!!
cewahhh!!!! mandai jer aku ni , padahal aku x leh join ni!
malangnya aku tak dapat join~
mesti tengah sesak dengan orang kat situ kan?
31st august aku kena berarak sama2 dengan cikgu sekolah~
then nak polis mesti kacau nyer...
then maybe tido lah kot..
amatlah jelesnya ngan orang yg buleh ber picnic lagi makan makan reramai kat sana.
dah setahun kita berbuka puase sesame kat restoren nona tu kan??? <--- aima, bkn NONA ye, NYONYA kitchen. sekian pembetulan.. hehe
klu ade bunga api merdeka tu best gak kan? ko suke laa bole shot2 hehehhe best2. nanti aku bwak tikar.. yeahhhh~
pocket..ko nye lepak pn adventurous apa..ekekeke
Masy : jgn bawak satu je plak tikar..ekekeke
syahshah : aku kuar opis kul 6 lebey...dari cyberjaya lagi..buleh punye...heehehe
Erina : aku tak kisah pun...pas terawih tu aku nak lepak minum2 gossip2..ahahaa
maksu nak blk kg :)