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Wintercation Kimichi Land Part 4 - Gyeongbokgung Palace, Coex Aquarium, Starfield Library & Bukchon Hanok Village

The first day we used the Discover Seoul Pass was the third day. We first went to Gyeongbokgung Palace. When we reached there, the ceremony was going on. What a great timing. Cembam has already set her mind to wear the Hanbok. But that morning was soo cold. I told her if you wanna wear hanbok go ahead, but I am not. Hahaha. It was windy and chilly. So in the end we did not wear the hanbok. If you purchased the DSP, you can rent hanbok for free. There was 1 hanbok rental nearby the palace. The palace was not that semenggah pun. Maybe it was just tinggalan sahaja kot. 

There were soo many people with Hanbok. Tahan betul depa sejuk. Everyone trying to get the best corner to update their tiktok socmed. We just roamed around a bit then we headed to the museum next to the palace. Not much as well to compare with Muzium Kesenian Islam kita. Hahaha. After few minutes, then we headed out and took our train to Coex Aquarium

Coex Aquarium is quite far. It was the farthest after the Arex to Incheon Airport for us sepanjang 3 hari tu. We reached there around noon time and ready for lunch. There is a Turkish Restaurant in the Coex mall. We entered the Coex Aquarium before lunch. Coex Aquarium, not bad la. I mistaken the place with the one with Mermaid inside. Salah tempat rupanya. Yang mermaid tu tempat lain. And ni tadi google yg di Coex Aquarium tu summer. Yelah..depa nak pakai bikini gitu sejuk2 winter..hahaha mapuh kerah bang. Masa kami pi memang macam less than 50 people je dalam tu. Coex Aquarium ni lebih kurang Aquaria lah senang citer dia.

After habis pusing, we headed out and had our lunch at Kervan Turkish Restaurant just nearby. Pricey place, tapi pejam mata je lah bedal. Selesai makan we asked where is the Prayer Room and the staff said its at 3rd Floor. Prayer Room sini is for the conferences rooms in the floor. There are few conference rooms and the prayer room takde tempat wudhu'. Kena amek wudhu' kat toilet dia. But when we were there, they don't really have conferences I think. Just saw few people with their office attire. So if we took 1 corner to pray jemaah pun at that time memang OK sangat. Sunyi je. Had a chat with some Malaysian and they shared that they had Roti Naan nearby Coex Mall. Kira luar COex Mall tu lah.

After that we just have to take photo kat Starfield Library la kan. Hahaha..Spacious library dia. tapi orang sangat bukan membaca sangat. Datang amek gambor je lah. Benda boleh bergambar je, nak buat apa baca buku kan. Kah Kah Kah. Dok turun naik escalator tu lah.  Lepas puas bergambar we headed out. I googled what else attraction nearby. Masa ni Umobile roaming masih cemerlang. Then jumpa ada statue Gangnam Style just outside the mall. So kami pun ke sana lah untuk bergambar. 

Masa ni kita ikut Itinerary orang umah la yang dah sediakan. Then next kami headed to Bukchon Hanok Village. For us, kalau Subway that we took crossed the river, perjalanan tu agak jauh la. Aa githew..Sampai2 kat exit station, walked a bit to the village. And around here pun if I'm not mistaken who ever bought DSP, you can get free 1 hour rental tak silap hanbok

Korang check balik lah. Tapi rasanya you can get free 1-hour rental hanbok kat sini.

So Bukchon Hanok Village ni just area residence which they still preserve the heritage of the architecture. Jadi view ni nice je sambil jalan-jalan naik hill sikit. But dont worry, not that steep pun hill dia. Buleh je. Larattt. Then after strolled for a while, before headed back kami singgah CU. My kids while was there dok minat air Fanta Orange. hahahah. Tapi setin or sebotol tu 2500Won juga. Dekat 9 hengget. So when macam dah jalan banyak, I negotiated with them untuk beli 1.5 litre punya drinks la. Macam apple juice tu. Mujur their bringing up, depa faham la they agreed minum share 1.5litre punya apple juice. Abang Xiyad pun OK je dok pegang botol tu. OK lah..good boy!!

Lepaih pada tu, terpengaruh la status geng2 Facebook share pasal Daiso 11 tingkat tu. Aku rasa takde apa pun Daiso ni kecuali memang nak beli barang2 kecik umah kan. Tapi dok terprngaruh kata boleh beli sebenir, 4 hari tak kuar2 lah apa bagai..kami pun pi la singgah. Lagipun memang plan nak have dinner kat Kampungku. So we headed to Myeongdong. Masa kt Myeongdong station ada la beli few souvenirs. Aku beli penanda buku je 10K won for 5+1. Cembam beli few long spoon tu lah. Jadi nk check la kat Daiso ada jual ke. Sudah nya keluar tak beli pape pun. Udahle time tu la anak nak berak. Hahaha. Dok turun ke bawah ingat toilet kat bawah, rupanya tingkat 7. Kah kah. Udah keluar cari tandas kat luar. Terpaksa la masuk Starbucks 3 tingkat nak melepas hajat. Time ni belum hunt Starbucks tumbler lagi.

Then we had our dinner kt Kampungku. My wife tried dia punya apa ke nama yg ada tauhu tu haa dalam gambar. Aku plak order Bulgogi ke apa ntah. Daging kicap jeeee. hahaha. Nama je korea. Anak2 nasi lemak. Tapi price kt Kampungku quite OK. Patut le ghamei ke sana. Kadang teringin makan ni, korang tengok je description. Kalau dia tulis tauhu, kome tak minat pikir le dulu. Hahaha. Tapi aku pestime la makan Kimchi ni kat Nami Island the day before. I was like "OOoo gini rasa dia". Sebab kat Malaysia maleh nak masuk kedai2 gini kah kah. Kang tak tau nak order apa, tak abeh nye. Aku ni dah le pantang membazir. Mujur kat Korea, selera and perut aku macam takde dasar. Bini tak abeh aku dok komplen sambil tolong suap masuk mulut sendiri, tau-tau eh..abeh..hahaha

Abeh makan kami balik and bought a pack of Strawberry sebab yang semalam dah abeh. Memang banyak kali beli strawberry kat sana haha.


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