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Turki Winter Vacation - Day 6: Istanbul and Bursa

Day 6 is the most anticipated day for us as we are going to the snowy peak in Bursa!! We hit the road as early as usual and after few hours of driving, we stopped for a quick washroom visit at one of the rest area called KAMILKOC. And then we headed to our lunch place. Ahmed is still suggesting that if we could just skip our zuhur and asar prayer, it would make the timing much smoother. haha. And again we replied, "you don't need to worry about our prayer Ahmed, we know how to deal with it".

Our lunch was at HUNKAR Restaurant which took quite some time to reach there from our hotel. We could feel the chilliness in the air when we stepped out of the car. I asked Xiyad to eat a lot by saying he would be freezing up there in the snow if he did not want to eat more. hahaha. We did not take our prayer time after the lunch and went straight to the cable car place. This is the place that we wanted to go the most. The snow experience...yeayyy!!! Ayoh and Mok decided not to come as we afraid the high altitude might affect ayoh in his condition. So Ayoh just stayed at the lobby waiting with Mok while the rest of us went up with Ahmed.

Ahmed took care of the tickets and we just need to make sure we got into the same cable car. The trip going up was a bit uneasy. Somehow we felt a bit hard to breath..well, it's kinda the same height like the one at Genting, but somehow I felt a slight nauseous so I asked Xiyad to stay still coz I afraid some of us might vomit. It was snowy along the way to the top. Xiyad could not contain his excitement.

Ahmed suggested for us just to play around at the first stop as the higher 2nd top is for people who wants to ski. Plus, we could not play for too long while ayoh and mok is waiting down there. The first thing we spotted up there was the surau. Ahmed did not know there's a surau up there, that's why he kept worrying about the timing and suggested us to skip. So when I saw the surau I faced Ahmed and give and said "told ya you don't need to worry about the pray". And it turned out to be the best place to pray for the whole vacation. There's a hot tap for ablution and it was so refreshing. Fiya vomited and I had to cleaned her jacket right after I finished my prayer. Xiyad hurriedly headed out after everyone was ready. Yeaahhhh finally!!! Snow experience. Even Ahmed is throwing the snow ball. He taught Ekal not to squeeze the snow ball more than 2 times or too hard coz it will make the snow ball too hard and it's gonna be painful if you throw it to others.

But since Fiya was not feeling well, we could not really enjoy the snow. One of us need to constantly carry her and Xiyad pink shoes are made of thin foam so I was worried if it would get drenched and he would freeze his feet. So when his aunts and uncle went to other side of the place with thicker snow, I had to ask Xiyad to stay with us  where the now is thinner. It was not as cold as we'd imagined up there. Maybe because it was an open area where you could feel the heat of the sun. The trees were like having their own rain with all the melting snow.  I was really tempted to buy Xiyad a new pair of boots. But knowing that it's surely not gonna be used after all this, I just did not. So we enjoyed our snow moment around an hour and went down to get back to ayoh and mok. It appeared that Ayoh did not even budged from his seat all those time. He did not even walked around to look for surau. He just waited there. Huhu..sian ayoh.

So, when Ahmed brought us to another attraction spot, ayoh had to pray in the mosque there while we waited him at a coffee shop outside of the mosque. I took that opportunity to walk around the area and photographed the surroundings and my mistake was not to ask Cembam to come along. huhu 

And when ayoh finished his pray, Ahmed asked those who wanted to see the attraction which I've already saw and was saying "we will not shop here". So just wawa and her sisters went for it. After a while Ahmed came back without them saying he gave them 15 minute to shop. It was the LONGEST 15 minutes ever!!! Fiya was crying and crying as she did not feel well and it just ticked me when they took more than 15 minutes. I even said quite loud to Fiya "nangis-nangis nak mak apa nye....macam la mak awak ingat ke awak tengah shopping tu!!!" yep. In front of my in-law. Serious weh. It was really cold, I think the coldest evening so far and we were waiting for them shoppingggg!!! It was not that much of a shopping place anyway (for me) but for them, so many choices of tudung..zzzzz..

So when they finally turned up, I passed Fiya to Wawa and walked away. hahaha. stress doh. We waited our car and was approached by some syrian asking for money. The kids even hold your hand and called you mama or papa. We then headed back to our hotel in Bursa. The food was lousy. But my biras Adam still managed to tambah lagi. Haahahaha. I went out to buy some Lay's chips and some 3in1 nescafe. Like the rest of other days, we arrived at the hotel just around the time for Maghrib. The azan filled up the air after we finished our dinner and took all of our bags into our room. This time we stayed at Ramada Hotel for 2 nights as our final hotel before we gong back to Malaysia. 


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