Bukanlah perkara kebajikan itu hanya kamu menghadapkan muka ke pihak timur dan barat, tetapi kebajikan itu ialah berimannya seseorang kepada Allah, dan hari akhirat, dan segala malaikat, dan segala Kitab, dan sekalian Nabi; dan mendermanya seseorang akan hartanya sedang ia menyayanginya, - kepada kaum kerabat, dan anak-anak yatim dan orang-orang miskin dan orang yang terlantar dalam perjalanan, dan kepada orang-orang yang meminta, dan untuk memerdekakan hamba-hamba abdi; dan mengerjanya seseorang akan sembahyang serta mengeluarkan zakat; dan perbuatan orang-orang yang menyempurnakan janjinya apabila mereka membuat perjanjian; dan ketabahan orang-orang yang sabar dalam masa kesempitan, dan dalam masa kesakitan, dan juga dalam masa bertempur dalam perjuangan perang Sabil. orang-orang yang demikian sifatnya), mereka itulah orang-orang yang benar (beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan); dan mereka itulah juga orang-orang yang bertaqwa
-Al-baqarah ayat 117-
Wanna share tafsir that I read last night. I'm not the best person to elaborate Allah's words. But you can see clearly that doing good deeds, being a good person is not just "yang penting hati kita baik". There are more things about being a good person particularly a good muslim. And those criteria up there is just some of them.
That's why we can't say "sabar separuh dari Iman, atau bersih separuh dari iman". That's wrong. Use 'sebahagian' instead. If separuh, you plus sabar+bersih, your iman lengkap already!!! Hehehe. And sebahagian yang lain are like those mentioned above.
Jadi cukup jelas to answer those yang selalu cuba 'betul' kan how wearing a veil is not everything about Islam and being a good person. It's true. But your reasoning "yang penting hati baik, percakapan elok, lagi baik dari orang bertudung" is way out of the context.
Ketahuilah, barangsiapa berpegang pada this kind of philosophy, he/she has actually committed 2 big sins.
1. Membenarkan sesuatu yang nyata salah. Simply put, disobey what Allah has ruled out.
2. Tidak melakukan perintah Allah itu sendiri (for those freehair which happened to use this quote)
I know in this world, ada banyak dakyah. Lady Gaga and sapa yang just died because of drug tu? They fight for lesbians and gays. Saying they have their own rights. Yes, logically of course. And without having a proper religion foundation, you will simply agree. No religions in this world say 'OK' to it. None. Nadaaa~~
But by manipulating how free we can speak and channeled our thought and opinions, things get pretty ugly.
I only have one thing to say and please who ever read this think about it for a while. Kalau everyone sticks to their own opinions, semua rasa betul, ate what would happened to this world? We need a guideline. A path that we can go back whenever we felt astray. And we have our religion for that. Regardless what kind of religion that you embrace.
So stick to it strongly and firmly!!! Ini tidak...poligami pn nak dilarangnya. Tak setuju. Ate benda tu sunnah nabi. Ada sebab Nabi buat. Zaman ni, 90% maybe use poligami in the means to have more wives for their own sexual pleasures. But just imagine a scenario where a nice pious guy who could be loved by any ladies. This kind of guy is the one 'mampu' to share his love with others. With his wives. Jadi more women can taste that zest of true love from him.
Bukan nak tegakkan poligami. The wisdom of my entry and what I want to convey is "Never judge what Allah has ruled out by your brain logic!!!" Kalau hukum Allah, boleh fikir guna akal, tu bukan hukum Allah namanya sebab akal kita will never understand what Allah has set for us. Tak terfikir dek akal kita!!!
Ayah Pin used to trick all of us bila he freely judged on why Rasulullah married a girl, Aishah when she was just 6 year-old. He even said Rasulullah is Pedophile. Tapi we could never think that hikmah from this marriage, Aishah R.A was the biggest perawi hadis nabi. Aishah was the one who was being with Rasulullah the most, listened to what Rasulullah said and that made her able to share lot of hadis to us!! Would we ever thought of that?
Ayah Pin used to trick all of us bila he freely judged on why Rasulullah married a girl, Aishah when she was just 6 year-old. He even said Rasulullah is Pedophile. Tapi we could never think that hikmah from this marriage, Aishah R.A was the biggest perawi hadis nabi. Aishah was the one who was being with Rasulullah the most, listened to what Rasulullah said and that made her able to share lot of hadis to us!! Would we ever thought of that?
(just googled and dapat tahu, there are lots of pendapat about the age of Aishah when she married Rasulullah. Ada yang kata 14 and ada yang kata 16 dan bukan 6)
Sebab tu hukum manusia, boleh difikir akal,..haaa..can be manipulated. You can read and understand the law of human so you can kill humans and get away with it. Tapi kat akhirat, tau la ko!!! You wanna say Allah tu jahat, kejam??!!! HE prepared all those azab yang terlalu dahsyat nak difikirkan oleh kita. Haha!! Ask this to yourselves. Sifat kejam tu created by whom? God!!! If you think you are evil enough, don't you think Allah can be much more than that. Way beyond your imagination???
Ok, nak tido. Assalamualaikum dan renung2kan~~
LIKE (sambil tanda rait)
'apa2 yang dinyatakan di dalam Al-Quran dan Hadis sebagai hukum... jangan sekali2 kamu tidak setuju kerana itu namanya lawan hukum... lawan hukum maknanya lawan Allah pembuat hukum'
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