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First Ramadhan di K.Terengganu, pagi buta besit kat LPT

Hmm..arrived at the office around 9.30 A.M today. Last night we kicked off from Seberang Takir at 9P.M after Isyak. Thanks to Ayah and Mok yang semayang Isyak kat umah sebab nak kunci pintu bila kami keluar. By the time we headed out from the house, terawih at the nearest surau has already started. Which means, Ayah and Mok missed the first 2 rakaat. Thanks for waiting and seeing us leaving =].

We expected 6 hours of journey despite of the clear road. Well, tak clear mana pun. We still need to continuously overtake other cars. The meter was around 110-130 along jalan pantai from KT to Kemaman. Once we emerged into the highway I managed to speed up 150-160. Itupun, we reached our home at 2.30A.M haaa...

We stopped at Gambang Petronas to refuel and Cembam agreed to drive till Karak Tol. I was so relieved!!! Having a partner that you can count on is surely nice. Even with her almost-healed knee, big tummy, she still said OK to switch drive while me trying to get some sleep. 

"Kalau rasa tersengguk sekali pn terus bagitau aku. Bahaya time pose camni ngantuk dia lebih"

"Kalau ada benda tengah jalan ke, anjing melintas ke, brek mana boleh je. Option dia better langgar je dari ilang kawalan"

The common advices I would always give to Cembam. She doesn't really have the confidence to speed up during the night and overtake the cars. But highway can be exceptional case to her. Well, I couldn't get a proper nap anyway. Risau juga. Kot Cembam ngantuk ke apa ke kan. So, sekejap2 terjaga tanya ngantuk tak, or sembang pape. Tapi the time switch back drive to, takdela ngantuk dah.

So I sped up from Gombak toll to Bangi 23 minutes. Asked for visitor parking from the Pak Guard and we reached our home safe and sound. Alhamdulillah~~~ Bekal nasi memang tak makan sahur pun. Luckily we bought 2 breads from the Petronas. We ate that, drank some water and went to sleep until Subuh.

Well, aku tertinggal Qur'an aku kat Ganu. Dem!!! After all that checking ada gak tinggal. Alaaa..that's the only Qur'an I have with tafsir. This year's target is not to tadarus smpi khatam. Coz I've tried many times mmg tak khatam2 30 juzuk. So I just continue my tadarus by reading it along with the tafsir. Memang slow je. But I know apa yang ayat-ayat tu nak bagitau. Selama ni baca without knowing the meaning kan. It's a different feeling bila baca and then look at the tafsir.

Thanks Mok Ayah for the first Iftar together semalam. Aku koyok kelapa muda tu buat air buke. Tak ingat ada tapau balik sini ke dok. Huhu. Mok masak tomyam, ayam bakar, Ikan masak apa ek..aku pn tak tau. Tp so nice to have it with your family kan??


~mrs azmi~ said…
syoknya dapat 1st ramadan dengan family..

selalu kalau kene drive malam memang suami bole jadi co-pilot jela.. huhu
zonaku said…
kami sekeluarga buka puasa ngan bubur lambuk n kuih cara...

sedap bangat sebab mak yang masak!
Anonymous said…
aku pun suka yg ada tafsir
kueh bakar said…
1.laju ko bawak.

2.dah panda cakak ganu.

3.ko-pilot penting tidak tido.jadi pilot penat sebab masa drive otak pun berpikir.

4.ikan masak singgang ker?

5.kena setat bulan lepas..baru ada momentum nak khatam dalam bulan ramadhan..

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