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What do you really want from a blog would determine what kind of a blogger you are

I blog-hop to quite numbers of blogs last night. The mood of composing my custom wedding album seems to be in a very low level lately. Well, that's because I don't have my own machine and need to use my company's with a 512MB RAM. Damn~~ that's so torturing to do editing and surfing at the same time. Still grateful to have a laptop though.

Oh, back to my blog-hop, I was actually researching, err that's too bombastic. I was observing how the world of blogging revolves right now. I dropped comments to most of the entries I read because usually I would have something to argue or something to share from my past related to the topic.

So, I log into my blog this morning and found out 16 comments in my new entry. The first thing in my mind was "are those from those I visited last night?", hoping I would get more blog friends whom we could share our thoughts and interests. Or maybe new friends whom I could meet outside someday. But when I view all the comments..hmmm~~~ It comes from my loyal readers a.k.a friends that I've been keeping in touch for years of blogging. It comes from my "Memuah geng". That's why you guys are so memuah to me. Thanks!! Thanks a lot for your warm supports throughout these years~~

Now, my intention is not really to have lots of comments in my entries. I blog originally to jot down things that happened to me and hopefully by sharing it, I gain more friends and some opinions from others that have gone through the same experience like mine. But seeing the pattern of blogging right now where mostly so obsessed of getting money out of it, trying to get traffic pouring in by dropping "hye" word in the chatbox or by following you with a note "please follow me back" (well this one seems to be vanishing), it's surely a twist in blogging.

Hmm~~~ I stumbled upon many bloggers where their visitors reached thousand a day. But when I visited the blog, "0 comments". Err~~ Maybe for that blogger, traffic is all she ever wanted. That's cool. But that's not what I'm after. yes, huge traffic means more people viewing the add and clicking them. That's IF they click it. And I know deep down inside you, when you went to other blogs, you saw an ads popping, did you click it everytime?? Sometimes you were so intrigued with the ads (that's basically the real objective of the ads), but then you said to yourself "tak nak klik ar. Klik yg pop up kat blog aku je la". Then what's the point of those proudly claimed traffic?? But I know, out of thousand, you might get 100 who clicked them. Huge traffic = better opportunity.

But for me, I prefer those who really read my things. Then when we met, we could chat like a long known friends because we followed each other's stories. "What happened to your car yg eksiden hari tu?", "your mom ok dah?? Tabah ek, kanser ni syahid dunia". Would you be able to chat like a friend when you only come and say "hye..let's visit my blog"?.

Blog-friend that could hang out once in a while and even dapat saguhati jeruk salak. Well, aku tak dapat la tapinya. Diorg ingat aku sudah balik masa ni

Silent Readers yg boleh lepak2 sama-sama. Buat BBQ bagai

Blogger yg leh jadi kawan, menari utk kitorang dengan rileknya =p

Kawan yg mmg kenal and follow my entries. Later when we met, I don't need to tell any story from the beginning

Kawan blog yg sanggup pikap kawan blog lain utk jumpa ramai2 dan memudah kan aku bagi kad jemputan. Walaupun tak datang (saja wat emo skit)

Kawan blog yg migraine pun datang with her busty look that night =p, yang mempercayai aku utk mengangkut beliau dan yang mai nun jauh berkilometer-meter. Tak lupe yg baru je mendarat sampai.

And kawan blog yg dah nak meletup kepala, penat drive, baru abeh kerja tapi terjah gak kenduri aku.

Now ask yourself, do you have these kind of blog-friends and would you get that by just Hying and Terjahing?? Bak kata Red Mummy, cara kena betul. Kalau tak sekejap je la kat dunia blog ni. To all my memuah geng~~~ Love you all~~~


TiniHani said…
selamat pengantin baru... walaupun dah terlewat.. biasalah semua orang ada cerita disebalik kenapa mereka berblog.. yang penting not hurts anybody.. salam kenal :)
Jard The Great said…
aku terasa beb.. TERASA!!! ahahaha

"Kawan blog yg sanggup pikap kawan blog lain utk jumpa ramai2 dan memudah kan aku bagi kad jemputan. Walaupun tak datang (saja wat emo skit)"

demm.. ehehe..
HEMY said…
Tinihani, salam kenal...nnt leh jahit something utk saya..hehehe

jard, ko ada sebab tak datang..sume org ada sebab..tapi..


Syah Shah said…
i follow you, you must follow me back... sungguh annoying... rase nak lempang... hahahahah :P :P

loyal readers are the best berbanding passers-by...
aku mesti baca apa kau tulis walaupun aku tinggalkan blog untuk beberapa hari~
dan ya, sila Tweet banyak2 bro~
it's cool~


aku masih belum ada kesempatan jumpa kau~sob3~
zella y said…
aku mmg follow blog ko wlupun aku bkn followe blog ko...(cheh..cheh..ayat bangga hehe) ;)

best nya dpt kluar ramai2 camni tp aku xde kereta, kalau ade, insyallah, boleh smpai punya hehhehe
Erina Asmawani said…
memmuaaaahhhh! syg geng memuah! tol la..aku agree 100% ngan ape yg ko tulis ni bro..dulu motip utama aku berblogging sbb saje nak share idea n pengalaman aku je..x sgka aku dpt ramai kawan dari berblogging. yg penting kawan yg best.bukan cam beskot, dtg pergi camtu je..huu..
kalo aku x berblogging mesti x jumpe korg kan..n Fradoo pn mesti xde duta2 kecik..hehe..frenz till end yo!

p/s: gambar 1st,time ni Jard nk cover2 muka lagi..ahaks ;p
dextrike said…
dayah x djemput pon.. :(
ok, sekeh kepala dyh cpt.. :P
Unknown said…
aku x penah jumpe kau...hehehhe

insyallah nanti
Mak Su said…
tq sudi masukkan maksu kat geng memuah biarpun maksu tak pi ke sabak bernam hari tu, ralat :(

maksu tak suka cakap sowang2, jadik maksu suka ada response dari pembaca, sekarang maksu dah tahu, cuma orang yang betul2 sanggup berkawan dgn kita jer yg akan suka tinggalkan komen/respon utk cerita2 kita. tapi tidak dinafikan, ada gaks orang yg suka maintain silent reader. terpulang ya pak... :)
❀aRaBeLLa❀ said…
wawaa tu yg bestnye dunia blogger..kekadang kawan blogger bulih lagi ngam dari kawan kat luar..
HEMY said…
syahshah : tuh le..entri ni smmgnya bukan ditujukan pada korang2

lord zara : kau pny blog lagi susah miss sbb ko tweet yg BM nye blog mmg best ah ko punye

zella y : ko bukan follower ke??aku pn tak pasan..ahahaha

erina : dulu aku first kenal ko yg entri keta ko nk tukar cat tau..haaa

tak jemput plak ye dayah ye~~~ terpampang lagi poster kat blog ni..cium kang..haaa..bini jauh ni

mak su, yg silent reader mmg sll nya senyap je...ishy..mesti la mak su geng memuah..maksu la follower pertama saya
Qasfirdaus said…
blog sbb duit hilang terus the pleasure of blogging.

kalau ade komen mmg best la ada komunikasi antara reader + writer. tp tengok jugak komen yang mcm mane.

komen salam ziarah salam kenal mmg sakit jiwoooooooooooo.

*aku tgk ade gambar aku dari sisi kat sini. tu aku kemari.

dextrike said…
ahhaha, amboiii.. da kawen tuh pon menggatal ag.. nak no kak cembam.. dyh nak report.. gtau kegiatan suami nye yg gatai ni.. :P bkan x nak g, tp tym tu dyh bz ngan projek + final exam.. so leh tumpang happy bro je la.. T__T
Unknown said…
sebab tuh blog aku balik2 muka yg sama.... warghh.. byk gathering aku tak join.... huhuhuhuhuhu... :P
HEMY said…
arabella : contohnya ko nk kata kat sini ko ngam ngan aku la kan??ekekeke

Qas : tu kali pertama kita jumpa tu qas

dayah, takpe..masing2 ada hal..ingat pn dh OK

Pncpnfused, haaa..byk ko dh kawin lagi susah..ahaha
Anonymous said…
terbaik lah entri ko! aku nak link kan malam ni.

aku plak masalah aku x dapat nak jenguk2 blog member. penat, malas, tenet kadang2 lembab. gurau2 biasa dr FB jer
Masy said…
ade dua pic aku. eh silap. tiga. hahahahahaaha mekasih kerana menghargai wpon ko sibok psl busty look pe sume. aku pasrah je huhuhuuhuh
green said…
terharu baca..sobs2..
tp betul laa..
one day ak hrp dpt jumpe korg..
tak pun, korg dtg arr masa ak grad..mesti cm besst..heheh

nak ikut kapten..nak link jugak..
zonaku said…
blog aku pun org y sama jer tiap kali...... TQ!
memula aku nk maintain mysterious(ko jer blogger y aku benarkan publish pic aku tanpa edit hehehehheehe),
then aku suka jumpa, skrg aku prefer jumpa y dah mmg aku kenal jer...
y blogger or follower baru maybe lambat sket kot aku nk open up lps nie
HEMY said…
Kapten, ko antara contoh blog yg org akan mai gak baca wpun ko kadang tak jenguk pn blog ko..haaa

masy : aku menghargai kebustyan mu masy..ahahahaha

green : mekasih link...ada rezeki leh je jumpa

zonaku : lagi baik org yg sama dr org lain tp sekali tu je muncul..
joegrimjow said…
memang menusuk kalbu
mengingatkan diri tatkala mengejar traffic

nice thought and nice pixs - terutama yg paling atas, hehe
moment said…
dek kebizian, aku baru baca entry ni...

and gambar aku ada 4!!! aku menang!!! nmpk sgt ko menghargai kehadiran aku.. hikhik

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