I Wanna Be a Project Alpha TV Star! (Have a shot at being featured on Project Alpha by submitting an audition entry)
Heiya Bloggers!! I've a very interesting news to be shared. Have you guys heard of Project Alpha?? Well, in brief, it's a project where they uncover Malaysia's top bloggers. Well, actually you make yourself to be uncovered by them by sending your audition tape to them. Just tell them in your videos why they should pick as their Project Alpha Featured Bloggers. Wanna learn more about Project Alpha? Just head down to http://projectalpha.com.my/. You can get more information about it there.
And the bigger news is that the audition for season 3 Project Alpha is already started!!! You can submit your videos doing your thing that describe uniquely of yourself here; http://projectalpha.com.my/auditions/. To know more about Project Alpha audition, you can find it here; http://projectalphagroup.ruumz.com/Groups/.
You might be a common blogger where even no one views your blog. No one ever commented on your post. But they might just not found out about you yet!! Being famous need so much effort!!! No matter how great your entries are, how funny your stories are and how cool your drawings are, it's meaningless if no one found out about it.
Why not sending an audition video about yourself sharing about your unique blog and how awesome to surf your blog!!! You might be one of the future Top Malaysian's Bloggers!!! Do your thing. Put out fire by your eyelids, or stretch your chin to your knees, turn your hair colour by just caressing them(ops..that would make you a mutant maybe), antyhing!! Anything unique about yourself and share it with us!!!
Everyone has their own awesomeness that people around you might not see. Let us see your true unique colour and be one of the featured blogger in the next Project Alpha Season 3. It might be the most exciting thing ever happened in your life!! Grab a handphone (the one with video function of course) or your digicam and start filming yourself now!!
Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS. Auditions are now open! Check it out at www.projectalpha.com.my/auditions or projectalpha.ruumz.com/groups