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Unity through sportsmanship - Joegrimjow's contest

I'm a self-claimed natural born athlete..hik hik!! I've played various kind of sports and games since I was a kid. Whether it's the traditional games, indoor sport or outdoor sports. They share the same thing, unity and friendship!! I earn a lot of friends by playing sports. The best sport for me is sepak takraw. The reasons??;

1) It's a game of pure unity and sportsmanship.
Sepak takraw is a game of 3 in a team. 1 Person (tekong) would serve and try to gain points. But in order to get a great serve, another person (killer) needs to feed him a nice ball by throwing the ball towards the tekong nicely towards the spot the tekong wants so he could drive the ball as fast as he could to gain point. Bad feed from the killer, bad serve, no point!!

Then the killer needs to spike the ball to ensure the opponent's serve would not give them a point. In order to do that, everyone needs to receive the opponent's serve as best as they could. The 3rd person (feeder) would then feed the ball to the killer to be spiked across the net and get the serve back. No first ball, feeder could not feed, killer could not kill, point goes to the opponent.

Even if the feeder is so skillful!!! if the killer couldn't kill the ball, there's noway they could win. Sepak takraw is purely a sport of unity. You can't be selfish to earn yourself a name by dribbling by your own and score goals. All sports need unity, but sepak takraw is the one with the crucial needs of unity!!

2) You can just join any group playing sepak takraw anywhere.
You just need to come with your gear, say Hi to everyone and ask "I saw you guys play from the road, may I join?". There's no way you gonna get "no" as an answer. It's way different if you compare with other sports. Tennis?? I've been playing tennis for a year now..there's no way I can just go to a group and say I wanna join can try..but you have this feeling of uneasy when you were trying to ask if you could join. Unlike sepak takraw, you can just join them.

Bola sepak??soccer??? Maybe you can join, but usually they wont pass the ball to you unless they know you or you are the only option..they would rather pass the ball to their friends. The unity is not there.

From sports and specifically sepak takraw,I earn so many friends. During the game, the unity, the sportsmanship would make you feel like you have being friends for a long time. The communication, the teamwork and the friendship would blossom so easily.
some of the friends I've earned through my sportsmanship
This is my entry to participate in JoeGrimjoew's contest. It's for the weekend @ sheffield organized by him. It's a fresh and different kind of blog contests I've joined. The more the merrier. Why don't you guys participate??


Jard The Great said…
aku rasa bole menang je entri neh.. ehehehehhee..

HEMY thanks sbb join kontes neh.. ahahaha.. =p
joegrimjow said…
jard.... apakah???

thx u join contest, hehe, nanti ku buat review setelah bekerja seharaian rini

-xsempat baca lagi sebab nak smyg subuh ;-) -
HEMY said…
jard : mcm ko lak joe ye

joe: owkh..sana baru subuh ye..hehehe..
faizalnizam said…
aku suka takraw.. tp aku takleh libas pusing la.. buleh jadi tekong jer..
Mak Su said…
boleh ler paksu datang bawak gear :)

good luck hemy, maksu pun ada hajat nak join contest, tengah fikir nak belasah sukan apa ni.... ;p
HEMY said…
~0~ : mekasih

Fyzal : le tekong..tak semestinya kena main killer..hehe

mak su: mai saja mak leh geng pak su punye...
imHepPie said…
takraw tak femes haha
HEMY said…
hehehe...aku bukan main nak pemes pun...takraw berseni
joegrimjow said…
da baca abes
tengh buat review

men PES pon bleh unity jugak
(bile la game takraw nak buat cd game )
moment said…
takraw.. suka tgk..
then duk gelak2 sapa yg tak lepas lipat..
senget tul! huhu
baincardin said…
dasat Hemy main takraw. good luck! ^_^
Syah Shah said…
crucail? apekah? crucial lorr...

a nice entry... dan aku suka je tengok orang main takraw nih... terlipat sana, terlipat sini... heheheheheh

tapi aku tetap paling suka main volleyball jugak... :D :D
HEMY said…
joe : mmg tak dapek la cd game takraw..ntah bila ntah

moment : dem..tkleh la kasi ko tgok aku lipat..nnt kena gelak

bain : mekasih

syahshah : volley ball kena ramai...nk dpt 6 org setiap petang pn payah..lagikan 12 orang
Syah Shah said…
tak kira... volleyball jugak bess pada aku... hihihihihihih :P :P
Adziim said…
Aku tak pernah main takraw...body tak sesuai nak libas2 bola ni.

Nice entry..pic cantik dan tulisan mudah dihadam.
Hmmm.. Enath nape dari dulu ku agak berminat lelaki yg suke main takraw.. Ngeee..

All the best hemy.. :)
joegrimjow said…
keptusan da diumumkan;)
terima kasih sebab join

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