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First time credit fraud exerience!!

I was editting and composing my friend's custom album when my housemate brought in an envelope and handed it to me. It was my monthly CIMB credit card statement. I teared the envelope and browse through the transaction I've made using my card before I caught something fishy.

There was a transaction of USD10.00 at on 14th December. I never heard of the site. Surely it's not a website I've ever visited. I typed in the address and it's a website that sell domain and web hosting. Something like that. Ok~~~. I've never intended to buy my own domain since I use blogspot. And I've never heard of this website till tonight!!!

I think I've just being a credit fraud victim!!! Damn!! Thanks Allah it was just RM34.70 worth of transaction But still I'm pretty scared right now. Do you wanna give me Rm30 just like that?? I've tried to phone the support center but somehow and for certain reason, the line was rather bad. I thought I was the one having difficulty to hear what the agent said, but the agent claimed that he couldn't hear me well too. Argh!!! I hung up and tried again but the same thing happened. Gonna try again tomorrow. The very first thing tomorrow morning.

I've logged into cimbclicks and checked if there's any other unauthorized transactions have been done using my card but gratefully, there's none. Huuu~~~. Why can't they set a password everytime I want to buy something using my card online rather than just filling up the 4-digit code from the back of my card? Isn't a password would make it more secure. The 4-digit code, than a password. Right? Or a message alerting me for every transaction sent right through my mobile phone. Hmmm..

Hope this not gonna be uglier!!


sharamli said…
es0k pgi bangun awal try lagik...
Pocket said…
waaahh!! dan mereka mereka sekalian tak nak tgk bill, 'alaaah sama jeee!!' kata mereka..

do update us on the outcome ya,
kami selaku pengguna C Card ni kena concern.

sila gunakan talian talipon dengan wayar.
moga klier sikit:)
adie said…
godaddy tu bagitau tak nama domain ape yg telah dibeli. kalu bagitau, cuba check kat
Hasnor said…
uiskk..sounds scary :P jgn dia buat lg dh la..
Erina Asmawani said…
kirenya ada org lain yg guna credit card ko ke bro?? errr..scarynya..nasib USD 1o je..huhu..tak buat report ke??
Masy said…
sibbaik gua takde kredit kad huhuuhuh
zella y said…
rm30.00 tu..naseb baik x30k...
tp ape2 hal pn chek ngan bank dulu...
susahlah mcm ni...
rs mcm xsecure jer...
Unknown said…
byk cara diorang menipu skang...
anwar said…
kalo cimb tu busy.. pakai la talian hayat lain..
:D walkin ke..
moment said…
eh, ko 4 digit eh? aku 3 digit je..huhu

aku paling malas nk buka bil credit card.. tapi mulai dr hari ini, aku akn tengok! huhu
HEMY said…
Sharamli : dh try...tak dapat2

pocket : will far to no availll

penyu : dia cu,a tulis 480-5058855 je. ni nombor purchase ke apa ntah la

Hasnor : tu la..takuttt..

Erina : lebih kurang la..wat report asik tak dapat call je

masy : hehehe..dem

zella : tu la..takde mintak password ke apa ke time purchase

~0~ : credit fraud ni kat US terrer sangat diorg buat

Anwar : cimb kat shell ni tak mesra la

moment : hehe..nk kelirukan org tu..mmg 3 digit je. kena cek moment..kalau tak terlepas pandang nnt
Syah Shah said…
mujur aku tadak guna credit card... debit card jaa... Hohohohohoh :P :P
Dak Wan® said…
Begitu mudah ke nak menipu? Ok, follow up nya?

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