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Ahh!!! Laki takleh caya..cilake..Ahhh!! pompuan pn..gampang!!

It's already Thursday - The short or I could say, a bit longer than the usual 2-day weekend would  start tomorrow. My leave on Monday has been approved by my Team Leader. Upon my back on Tuesday, it's my Team Lead's turn for holiday. He will take from Tuesday until the next week's Monday.

Ok, fair enough. I will carry forward my 2009 leaves of 8 days. We are only allowed to bring 5 to the next year, but in a special circumstances such as Project restriction, you are approved to bring more. I will use these leaves for my wedding day of course. Hope your holiday would be a blast!!!


For the past few weeks, I've been bloghopping here and there, dropping comments whenever I think I want to say something about the entries that have been posted, pouring my thoughts and how  I look at the issue on my self-righteous-act  concept. And one of the popular one is something like this;

"Laki ni takleh percaya. Sume yang aku jumpa...hipokrit, lidah berbelit"
"Pompuan mata duitan, takleh percaya..bangsat!!"

Well, something like these.  I know some would agree and some would not. Why? Because this is purely subjects to one's own experience. Some would always being around people whom can be trusted. Friends that so loving, guys or girls that you could easily know that he or she is a nice person and what a wonderful thing to be his/her companion or loved one. And some?? would be the other way around.

NOw, I know you would have also heard these wisdoms;

"Lelaki yg baik adalah utk perempuan yg baik"
"berkawan dengan penjual minyak wangi dpt bau wangi, berkwan dengan tukang besi hitam panas dn kotor lah"

Ok, so..for the first wisdom..if you keep on being rejected in your love life..always ended up with a relationship that is not built by love, caring, trust and honesty, I think it's time to look in the mirror and muhasabah your own life, your ownself. It might be because you are not quite a nice girl or guy to begin with?? This is only my theory...

Or come to the 2nd wisdom, maybe all this while, the way you pick your friend, the way you mingle, live your social life is not quite the right way?? Have you ever think of that?? For example, you might say, "kawan aku..laki yg aku jumpa sume takleh pakai..dh la tak tiap malam tukar2 pompuan..camne aku nk caya laki".

Isn't that obvious? Is it because the guy himself or because of you? What kind of people do you involve with everyday? If you want to find kindness you would find it in a place, in a people that have one wouldn't you?

The easiest metaphore is, "If you are in a bicycle store, would you see a nice gown with beautiful laces and nice ribbons embedded on it?".

It's time to think again, start blaming yourself than just pointing fingers saying guys or girls could not be trusted. Coz, so far my own experience, people I've met, they all are such a wonderful friends and nice people.


Aidi-Safuan said…
hahaah...dua2 jenis da pernah jumpa.
pandai2 la nak carik yang elok.
btw,kalau nak carik yang elok,pastikan diri anda tuh elok juga.hihi
zella y said…
hurm... nk cr yg baik kena lah tgk diri kita baik ke tak hehehe

p/s:xkn gi club nk cr lelaki yg beriman... btul x??
HEMY said…
yg tu la aku cuba sampaikan zella, aidi..hmmm
..nOj.. said…
hahaha dh mcm2 manusia aku jumpe... ade yg jantan brengset... ade gak lelaki budiman... pompuan sundal dan jugak wanita sejati... bijak la memilih x seme buah dlm bakul tu buruk.. aite?
green said…

orang yang aku idam2 kan selama ni tulis ayat bwh ni kat info fb die..

"i rejects couple"..

peh, sejuk hati aku baca, makin idam2..
Unknown said…
xcaya laki???

alasan nak les ke???
Mak Su said…
wow! fikir-fikirkanlah...
AkuBukanLelaki said…
aku xpercaya...CINTA..
aku xpercaya...CINTA..
saya tak pernah kenal cinta...ape itu???belum tiba masa kot...hihi
HEMY said…
Noj : masalahnya dh la tak bijak pilih..pastu kata takleh caya sume..huh

green : tu dia..lg satu jenis..rejek kapel plak..kata lg best sorg..cehhh

~0~ : ada gka jenis yg cmtu

mak su : yep

vilda fida : tak caya sudahhhhh

piston pecah : cuba la cari..jumpa la nnt
Rara said…
hey nice entry..da mcm2 ragam org da tgk.contoh di ataas tuh sgt salu tgk.hehe
Syah Shah said…
betul tu, dah kau sendiri bergaul dengan jenis macam tu, memanglah ko tak nampak apa yang baiknya... Bengong sungguh... Nak kata bodoh belajar sekolah tinggi bertingkat-tingkat... Tapi itulah kan, kekadang mentaliti tu konon maju sangat ke depan, pergaulan dengan alim ulama' dirasakan bakal membantutkan kemajuan...

Lepas tu cakap lelaki itu semua jahat, perempuan itu semua sundal...

sharamli said…
k la..xsalahkan antara satu sama lain dah lepas ni..
Kaito said…
biasalah..zaman sekarang susah nak cari pasangan yang sesuai...ramai juga hipokrit sekarang ni....

yang penting jaga akhlak diri dulu..tu yang penting....
green said…
uit..sbb tu ak single..*chingg*
imHepPie said…
let say....nobody perfect rite???
Pocket said…
luv this post bro,
'lelaki yg baik, hanya untuk wanita yg baik'
tp kalau ustat tu gi cari awek dia kat bar..
inshaAllah.. peluang nak dpt tu dlm 3/4000 lah kot kan.. tukang cuci lantai maybe?

kita akan dpt apa yg kita sndiri buat.
kita lanun, kita akan kawan ngan kengkawan yg dari caribean jgak...
nak dpt awek cam keira naitli? susah la sikit kan.. skali keira naitli plak yg jd lanun hahahahahah:) thats a different story.

bottom line i luv your ...
"If you are in a bicycle store, would you see a nice gown with beautiful laces and nice ribbons embedded on it?"
amat lah betulnyer
Sharif John said…
Betul la bro... setiap org persepsi dia berdasarkan pengalama masing2. Tp yg nyatanya perempuan ni emo sgt psl satu2 benda
Anonymous said…
wow! dahsyatnye ckp cmtuh.manusia akan beckp mlalui tak semua mcm an an.hehe
Anonymous said…
muhasabah diri
tu ptg
HEMY said…
EmoraV : =]

SyahShah : huhuhu..diorg saja wat tak sedar diorg tu ngok

kaito : nk carik yg seswai mungkin bukan takde

green n imheppie : cari je mana yg sedap di mata dn hati

Pocket : ahaahaha..the pirate one is related in a way bro..nyahahaha

sharifjohn :ekekeke..utk certain or most women..yesss

Rathiqah : tp takleh label cmtu kalau sekadar pglmn kita sorg je..ahahaha

FCC : betull
Masy said…
kata2 tu sume dtg dr org yg frust n trauma lg dgn pengalaman dorg. once dah jmpe org yg baik n sesuai nanti, takdenye nk ckp camtu dah hehehe

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