If you come to Wisma Chase Perdana today, don't make a confuse look when you see so many people in red t-shirt thinking that you must wear red to be here..It's safety day in Shell and we have been provided with the red t-shirt and just need to wear it every time email coming into your mailbox and asking you to do so..
I was scavenging the rotten old pictures from my drive last night and found some pictures from ther corpses taken during my leave at my hometown. We asked our neighbour to chainsawed the coconut tree next to our house while most of us pulling the wire that has been tied to it to make sure it tilted and succumbed to the earth in the right direction causing no harm or broken kitchen.
I was scavenging the rotten old pictures from my drive last night and found some pictures from ther corpses taken during my leave at my hometown. We asked our neighbour to chainsawed the coconut tree next to our house while most of us pulling the wire that has been tied to it to make sure it tilted and succumbed to the earth in the right direction causing no harm or broken kitchen.
Getting ready, everyone were placing their strongest grip on the wire and start setting their stances preparing to pull.
And then...what else??RUUUNNNN!!!
After that we need a sacrifice to worship the spirit of the coconut tree..just kidding!!
The chopped logs of the coconut tree needs to be placed neatly at one place so it would dried out and we can burn it later. It would be heavy though..you can lift it or do it the fun way like this..ehehe!!Roll it bebeh..
When you pulled the tree, you need to be ready to run for your life!! The tree will collapse towards you of course. Make sure the path you are going to choose, so you won't stumble onto anything and ended up under the fallen tree..=p. Then, the space for the small garage is ready.
Mixing the cement and the sand with water to produce the right composition of them is sooooo tiring. That's why they invented the cement mixer. If you use hoe and shovel like my dad and I, you would ended up building bicep, tricep and abs muscle in the end of the process. I just feel touched everytime I imagined my dad doing it alone when we weren't home.
Mixing the cement and the sand with water to produce the right composition of them is sooooo tiring. That's why they invented the cement mixer. If you use hoe and shovel like my dad and I, you would ended up building bicep, tricep and abs muscle in the end of the process. I just feel touched everytime I imagined my dad doing it alone when we weren't home.