This week's preach seems to penetrate my thick skull I supposed. Instead of sleeping during the preach, I managed to listen to the entire preach. But that's after a short nap under the stairs with some other jemaah right after my lunch. I can't really say that it's better doing that way, but at least, I understand what the Imam was talking about when I completely got my sleep dose.
The first team-dinner for this year was taken place at Lemon Garden Shangrila. Of course I couldn't miss it. I was there once for the fast-break last year. These were the plates of the dishes..ahaha!!
First plate : Heavy meal..nyum nyum
2nd plate : pelincir la kira ni for the next rounds
3rd plate : seafood moment
4th Plate : in between dessert
6th plate : last plate after maghrib prayer and before leaving
Hhahaha!! Puasss!! I ordered black coffee before I left. Very nice indeed, but definitely I'm not gonna waste my money there..hahaha!! If it's treated, count me in babyy.
Ok, shot update before weekend, lets go swimminggggggg